
Month: April 2018

Space and Time and Good Old-Fashioned Shivarees

A few years ago, I wrote a short story about shivarees and newlyweds and disturbing eating habits.  It’s called “The Shivaree Man,” and it’s going to be published in Space and Time next month.

Space and Time is a fantasy/sci-fi/horror magazine that’s been around since 1966.  Nineteen sixty-six!  That means S&T lived through the Summer of Love!  I wonder if it had a copy of Surrealistic Pillow?

I’m psyched to be part of this magazine, and can’t wait to see what the cover looks like (they have epic covers–check out this sweet dinosaur one).

Until next time,


Dear Abby letters


It’s been a long time since I posted.  I thought I’d stop by to let everyone know I added a new “Letters” tab to the website.

I’m sure most of you have read the Dear Abby newspaper column at one point or another.  I read it every morning.  I just can’t get enough!  Anyway, from 2012 to 2017, I sent Abby more than a hundred prank letters.  I’ve been lucky enough to have nine of those letters published in her column.  If you click on the Letters tab, you can read them online.

I stopped writing Abby back in March of 2017, but lately I’ve been feeling the urge to come out of retirement.

Hmmmmm….who knows?  Anything’s possible.

I’ll be back soon with more updates.




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