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Space and Time Issue #131

Earlier this year, Space and Time published my story “The Shivaree Man.”  I’ve been waiting to share the news until I got my copy in the mail.  Now that it’s here, I thought I’d post a picture of the cover:

I’m so happy Space and Time decided to print this story, and I still can’t believe my name made the cover!  It means a lot to me, especially since S&T has previously published one of the scariest writers ever–the late Jack Ketchum.  It’s such a cool feeling to share a magazine credit with him.  If you’ve never read his collection Peaceable Kingdom, you might wanna check it out.  It’s sooooo disturbing…and very scary.

Anyway, that’s all the news for today!  I’ll be back soon.

Until then,


“Tenure” published in a new collection, and does anyone have 199 candles?

It’s Herman Melville’s birthday!  I’ll try my best to avoid making any Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan jokes.  It won’t be easy.

I wanted to swing by and let everyone know The Arcanist: Year One was released today.  I’m happy to say my story “Tenure” is part of the collection!

I like to think of “Tenure” as “Harper Valley P.T.A.” with more monsters.  Speaking of monsters, did you hear the one about the Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan slugs? So three ear slugs walk into a canal, right?  And the eartender says…

Whew, this is harder than I thought.

Anyway, I was very pleased when The Arcanist decided to publish this story last September, and I’m glad to see it included in their first collection.  If you’re interested, you can still read “Tenure” for free here.

Well, that’s all for now!

[insert your favorite Moby-Dick quote here],


Wailing Wall

Hey everyone,

I’m thrilled to announce that my story “Wailing Wall” won Jerry Jazz Musician’s most recent short fiction contest!  You can read it here.

It’s such an honor to win.  Jerry Jazz Musician is an awesome site.  They publish short stories, poetry, interviews, articles on jazz history…all kinds of stuff!  And three times a year, they run a short fiction contest.  This was their 48th.

Anyway, I hope you like “Wailing Wall,” and I hope you check out their site–they have some great stuff on there.



Galileo’s Theme Park now available


Just dropped in to let you know that Galileo’s Theme Park was released this weekend.  It includes my story “Dispatches from the Eye of the Clown.”  I’ve been reading through my copy this evening, and I’m super happy with the way everything looks!

It’s for sale at Amazon.com.  It’s available as an ebook or paperback.

Well, that’s it for now.  I’ll be back soon with more news.

See ya!


Today’s Forecast: Evil Clowns!

Hi all,

My story “Dispatches from the Eye of the Clown” is going to be published next month!  It will be included in an anthology called Galileo’s Theme Park.  You can read the full announcement from the publisher here.

“Dispatches” is a sci-fi/horror story about…ahem…a planet where it rains clowns.  And that’s all I’m gonna say about that.

Anyway, I’m super excited to see this story in print!  Third Flatiron Publishing puts out three or four anthologies a year, and I’m glad I get to be part of one.

Until next time, keep an eye out for creepy clowns!


Listen to “The Wash” @ The NoSleep Podcast

I’m back with some awesome news.  My short story “The Wash” was included in the latest episode of The NoSleep Podcast!

I listened to it this morning, and I couldn’t be happier with the way it turned out.  I thought the voice actors did an amazing job.  And I love the sound effects!

I’m thrilled to be part of The NoSleep Podcast.  If you haven’t listened to them before, you should head over and check them out!  They tell some pretty spooky stories!

I’m outta here,


Space and Time and Good Old-Fashioned Shivarees

A few years ago, I wrote a short story about shivarees and newlyweds and disturbing eating habits.  It’s called “The Shivaree Man,” and it’s going to be published in Space and Time next month.

Space and Time is a fantasy/sci-fi/horror magazine that’s been around since 1966.  Nineteen sixty-six!  That means S&T lived through the Summer of Love!  I wonder if it had a copy of Surrealistic Pillow?

I’m psyched to be part of this magazine, and can’t wait to see what the cover looks like (they have epic covers–check out this sweet dinosaur one).

Until next time,


Dear Abby letters


It’s been a long time since I posted.  I thought I’d stop by to let everyone know I added a new “Letters” tab to the website.

I’m sure most of you have read the Dear Abby newspaper column at one point or another.  I read it every morning.  I just can’t get enough!  Anyway, from 2012 to 2017, I sent Abby more than a hundred prank letters.  I’ve been lucky enough to have nine of those letters published in her column.  If you click on the Letters tab, you can read them online.

I stopped writing Abby back in March of 2017, but lately I’ve been feeling the urge to come out of retirement.

Hmmmmm….who knows?  Anything’s possible.

I’ll be back soon with more updates.




“Breaking the Ice” published

Hello all,

Just letting you know that my story “Breaking the Ice” has been published.  It’s available online at Issues in Earth Science.  You can read it here.  Feel free to check it out!




“Breaking the Ice” coming soon

Hey everyone,

My short story “Breaking the Ice” will soon be published in Issues in Earth Science.  The editors here have been amazing to work with, and I’m excited to see this story in print!

In the meantime, feel free to check out the other stories on their site!



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